Alice's Adventures in Wonderland has alot of trippy imagery, and not to mention, a hookah-smoking caterpillar. One interpretation of Alice in Wonderland is that it's about drugs, or that Alice is on a drug trip, or even that Lewis Caroll himself was on a drug trip when he wrote it.

Recently I was reading an article about why Alice is very associated with and commonly depicted as a teenager even
though the original story was about and for a child. And when you think about it, it's true. Alot of movies and
books and games and whatnot depict Alice as a teenager. Tim Burtons Alice in Wonderland- 19 years old. Alice from
Madness returns- 19 years old. Alice from pretty much any manga (at least that I can think of)- teenager. I could
go on but you probably get the point

According to the article, Alice in Wonderland is tied to adolescence because of how it portrays puberty and how
your body changes during puberty. Throughout the first book, Alice is constantly changing size and her body is
changing in proportion. She grows as big as a house, and shrinks down to three inches. Her body elongates until her
neck is so long she can't see her shoulders, and later on long enough that a bird mistakes her for a serpant.

This is one of my favorite interpretations of the book. I don't really know why, I just really like it. It's sweet,
simple, but also strangely profound in a way. Plus, in my opinion, it feels natural to the original story and not
like those "yOuR cHiLdHoOd RuInEd" videos or like an english teacher grasping at straws to find hidden meanings.